Problems Into Portals

Problems aren't just portals into better versions of ourselves. They're also portals into connection with others. You're resourceful enough to access any solution you need, and you don't have to do it alone. 

Ready to get to work?


Intro Session

This can be a consult/conversation, it can be a stand-alone session, or it can be an opportunity to ask about working together on a longer-term basis with scheduling priority.  How you use it is entirely up to you and what you need. 

Join My List

More opportunities to connect with my work, including asking for your requests for online content, reflections on healing archetypes, and free and paid live group sessions and programs are on offer to my list members. My list loves me and I love my list. 




The ability for Marian to take my anxiety issues away and make me feel so much better, are unbelievable. I recommend her services for anything. Call her and talk to her before you discount her abilities. She is a true healer!


I recommend Marian to everyone I believe is ready to do some searching within themself. Someone like me with PTSD, high daily anxiety and depression I was skeptical it would help. I was nervous to go the 1st time. She made me feel safe and comfortable. I was able to access feelings I had suppressed without the emotional reaction. I felt the weight lift. No it's not a magic bullet. I still have anxiety, I still struggle but I have a new hunger for life. A drive to overcome and a calmness I can access at any time. She's a gem and has helped me tremendously.


I just wanted to say thanks for our sessions a while back. I feel like since then I'm way more capable of handling stressful situations.


This woman came to me for a sun allergy (breaking out in a rash due to sun exposure) and ended up releasing it in 15 minutes which was barely the time it would take for a free consult call so she gave me this audio testimonial to say thanks. Shared with permission.  

(P.S. If you are bringing this kind of thing to me book a phone session below! And if we knock it out in 15 minutes I'll let you give me a testimonial.) 
Book an intro session
So I just wanted to update you on the sun allergy thing. I was in intense sun exposure the other day and totally nothing so thank you for that 15 minutes that changed my reality. 
In my opinion hypnosis is spiritual work. I too was nervous to start with you but I think it's one of the best decisions I've made. Cause I don't necessarily need a psychologist. I've had so much therapy. One thing I think is different about the work that you do vs therapy vs psychology is that hypnosis and life coaching and spiritual guide work moves you forward in a way that I don't think therapy is geared to.

I love working with you... I find it incredibly helpful to have a time where I'm ceremonially sitting down and just emptying stuff out and sorting it. I feel like we're sitting on a magical plateau on a planet where I've got all these universal threads and pieces in front of me, and you're really guiding me through what's what and what's important and holding space for me to just be my badass self."


Unsolicited Feedback from a long-time client, shared with permission
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